Second Irvine-London-Munich-PoliMi-Salzburg Conference in Philosophy and Foundations of Physics
Over the past decades, important contributions to the mathematical and conceptual foundations of physical theories have been made within the philosophical community. Conversely, critical analysis of the formal structures of our best physical theories inform central philosophical concerns, and in some cases new theorems have been proven and new lines of argument developed that are of philosophical significance. This conference series aims to bring together philosophers, physicists, and mathematicians working on such issues. This year’s event will be held on September 2-3, 2019 at the University of Salzburg (Austria). It will immediately precede a workshop on “Symmetry and Equivalence in Physics” taking place on September 3-4, 2019. Speakers for the workshop include Adam Caulton (Oxford), Ben Feintzeig (Washington), Doreen Fraser (Waterloo), Laura Ruetsche (Michigan), Giovanni Valente (Milan), and David Wallace (USC). Papers on any topic of philosophy and foundations of physics by younger researchers, especially graduate students and post-doctoral scholars, are particularly encouraged and will be given priority.