Second release of the Israel National Election Study 2019-2020 data
We are happy to announce the second and partial release of the Israel National Election Study 2019-2020.
In this period, Israel went to the polls three times.
This release covers the 21st and 22nd Knesset elections, which took place on April 9, 2019 and September 17, 2019. It comprises of a four-wave panel of eligible voters in Israel. 1614 respondents were interviewed before the April election, and 1,307 of them were re-interviewed immediately thereafter. Following the announcement of the September election, the April panel was extended with two additional waves. The pre-(September) election wave returned to 836 respondents; following the election, the fourth panel wave returned to 783 of these respondents. Consequently, each wave consists of respondents who participated in all previous waves.
The election to the 23rd Knesset took place on March 2, 2020. In this third election in the 2019-2020 cycle, we initiated a new sample, also in a pre and post-election design. This two-wave panel will be available after its processing and organization.
The data (as SPSS and STATA files), questionnaires and accompanying materials are available for public use at the INES site . We encourage reading through the Appendix to optimize the use of the data.
The 2019-2020 INES investigates voting behavior; evaluations of parties, candidates, coalitions, and the events that led to the second and third elections; perceptions of representation and democracy; efficacy, political knowledge, media consumption; and attitudes on various issues on the national agenda in these three elections.
We thank the Israel Science Foundation for its support for the study, as part of the Center of Excellence “Looking beyond the Crisis of Democracy: Patterns of Representation in Israeli Elections”.