SEASECS will hold its 47th meeting online during February 25-27, 2021. Given the logistical hurdles and financial constraints facing faculty and graduate students in the coming year, we envision the 2021 conference as a low-cost, user-friendly venue that will allow faculty, graduate students, and independent scholars to present their scholarship during a year of limited opportunities.
The theme for the 2021 conference is “‘The World Turned Upside Down’: The Self/Interiority, (Social) Distancing, and Mobility in the Long Eighteenth Century.”
PANEL PROPOSALS AND INDIVIDUAL ABSTRACTS: While SEASECS welcomes both fully-formed panels and individual abstracts that relate to the conference theme, it will also consider other panels and papers that deal with other aspects of the eighteenth century. To submit a panel or individual proposal, please send abstracts of no more than 300 words to Dr. Bryan Rindfleisch (bryan.rindfleisch@marquette.edu). The deadline for panel proposals is October 31, 2020, and the deadline for individual abstracts is December 1, 2020. In addition, applicants may propose an idea for a panel topic that can be circulated to interested parties. This type of proposal requires a panel title, a short description, and the panel organizer’s name. The deadline for such proposals is October 31, 2020.