Sarah Lawrence College - Jewish Studies Tenure Track Faculty Position
Sarah Lawrence College seeks applications for a full-time, tenure-track appointment in Jewish Studies, to begin August 2024. While candidates may specialize in any time period or geographical region, they must be able to demonstrate competency in the broad sweep of Jewish history, religion, and culture from late antiquity to the present. We are especially interested in receiving applications from dynamic, interdisciplinary scholars whose research and teaching interests reflect any variety of possible intersections such as the arts; race and ethnicity; science, technology, and society (STS); gender and/or sexuality. In addition, candidates should demonstrate proficiency in the language(s) relevant to their research specialty, and ideally the wider field of Jewish Studies (e.g., Hebrew, Yiddish, Greek, Ladino, Judeo-Arabic, etc.).
Applications should include the following: cover letter; curriculum vitae; statement of teaching philosophy, including consideration of pedagogical and curricular inclusivity; two sample undergraduate syllabi; and three letters of reference.