Entangled Knowledges. Education and Culture in Judaism, Christianity and Islam (XIV-XIX centuries)
Since 2014 the Sangalli Institute for the religious history and cultures is actively engaged in supporting the activities of young researchers, especially in the field of the religious studies, with particular attention to history and humanities.
We are convinced that, only through the pooling of scientific cross-sectional and generational experiences, the study of the past can effectively foster social and cultural progress. That is the reason why the Sangalli Institute intend to dedicate its annual workshop for young researchers, between 2nd and 4th of October 2019, to the following topic “Entangled Knowledges. Education and Culture in Judaism, Christianity and Islam, XIVth-XIXth centuries”. The workshop is scientifically coordinated by Massimo Campanini (Ambrosian Academy, Milan – IUSS, Pavia), Massimo Carlo Giannini (University of Teramo), Maurizio Sangalli (University for
foreigners of Siena) and Myriam Silvera (University of Roma Tor Vergata), with the collaboration of Marco Ricca (Protestant Cultural Center ‘Pietro Martire Vermigli’, Florence) and Letizia Tomassone (Waldensian Church, Florence), and it will take place at the Sangalli Institute (Piazza di San Firenze 3, Firenze – Italy).
The workshop aims to deepen the contacts and the differences which, between the end of Middle Ages and the beginning of the Contemporary Era, have characterized the transmission of knowledges and culture within the three monotheistic religions. The workshop will focus on the processes of the formal and informal channels of cultural dissemination in a religious perspective, in order to establish comparisons among them. In particular, through the in-depth analysis of the dynamics, tools and persons related to the fragmented world of education (from the Rabbi to the Christian schools, both Catholic and Protestant, to the Islamic madrase), the relations among cultures and religions will be taken into consideration within the European context, the Islamic world and the non-European cultures, like the Chinese.