PhD Scholarships
מלגת דוקטורט מטעם קרן גרדה הנקל בעיקר בתחומים:
- ארכאולוגיה
- הסטוריה של האמנות
- לימודים איסלאמיים היסטוריים
- היסטוריה
- היסטוריה של המדע
- היסטוריה של המשפט
- פרה-היסטוריה והיסטוריה קדומה
In line with one of the founder’s wishes, a special focus of the Gerda Henkel Foundation is support for up-and-coming scholars. Special attention is made when approving grants to enable qualified young researchers of both sexes to conduct scientific work for a limited period of time and in order to improve their academic training. As part of its Ph.D. programme, the Foundation seeks to promote highly-qualified new academic talent. Only those candidates are considered whose study achievements and exam performances show them to be especially gifted and whose Ph.D. theses can be expected to yield well above-average results. At present, each year about 50 scholarships are awarded.
Applications for PhD scholarships are considered throughout the year. Recipients of PhD scholarships will be selected four times a year. The review and approval process of a complete application is generally completed within six months.
The Foundation’s bodies will meet and decide on the present application at the earliest date possible. We will acknowledge receipt of your application and we would ask you not to contact us by phone on this matter.