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הזדמנות // מרצים/ות: תכנית המרצים האורחים ועמיתי ההוראה של המכון ללימודי ישראל [ארצות הברית] דדליין=24.9.20

Message URL: https://www.hum-il.com/message/0072822/

Israel Institute: Seeking Israeli Faculty to Teach About Israel in the United States in AY2021-2022
The Visiting Faculty Program funds Israeli academics to teach in person about Israel at top universities in the United States. This program gives tenured, tenure-track, and full-time contract Israeli academics the opportunity to spend an academic year abroad teaching about modern Israel and expanding their academic circles. Grant awards range from $50,000 to $80,000 per year, depending on the qualifications of the applicant and the arrangement with the host university. Grant recipients must teach one full-term, three-credit, undergraduate-level course about modern Israel in each semester/quarter of their placement.

Women, minorities, and individuals with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply.

Requirements: Visiting Faculty placements are open to tenured, tenure-track, and full-time contract faculty and professors emeriti from Israeli colleges and universities. All applicants must possess a strong command of English and be able to teach full-term, three-credit, undergraduate-level courses about modern Israel.

To learn more and apply, please visit: https://bit.ly/39x5kUO
Deadline to Apply: September 17, 2020

Israel Institute: Multi-Year Teaching Placements for Israeli Faculty Available in the United States Starting in AY2021-2022
The Teaching Fellow Program places academics of various ranks and nationalities, who have the interest and expertise to teach in person about modern Israel, at colleges and universities in the United States for multi-year placements. These placements provide an opportunity for scholars to teach, conduct research, and build academic networks. Grant amounts vary, depending on the arrangement with the host university. Over the course of an academic year, Teaching Fellows teach in person four full-term, three-credit undergraduate-level courses about modern Israel as well as organize a minimum of four academic/community events. Two of the courses and all four of the events must be related to modern Israel.

Women, minorities, and individuals with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply.

Teaching Fellow placements are open to academics of all ranks and nationalities with strong English skills and expertise in modern Israel, as demonstrated by university teaching experience and either a dissertation or at least two peer-reviewed publications about modern Israel. Fellows are expected to have an approved PhD from an accredited university by the first day of the first term of their appointment.

To learn more and apply, please visit: https://bit.ly/3hLQxc5
Deadline to Apply: September 24, 2020

Message publisher
Ilai Saltzman isaltzman@israelinstitute.org
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