Assistant Professor of Contemporary Art
You will provide education in a dynamic context with ample opportunities for the development of innovative teaching methods. Your research will be part of the Amsterdam School for Heritage, Memory and Material Culture (AHM), one of the five research schools of the Amsterdam Institute for Humanities Research. AHM is the research base for a broad spread of disciplines from Heritage and Memory Studies, to Media and Museum Studies, Material Culture and Conservation and Restoration and Art History. AHM researchers share an interest in the ways in which material and immaterial traces of past events and experiences influence the formation of present-day identities. Its members collaborate in and across many thematic groups, including ‘Post Memories: Intergenerational Narratives of Conflict’ and ‘Global Trajectories of Thought and Memory: Art and the Global South’. In this setting, you will be expected to examine the role of contemporary art and its institutions in relation to issues such as memory, conflict, trauma, transitional justice, social practice and/or activism. AHM is seeking to strengthen its profile in these fields.
Tasks and responsibilities: