Professionalisation of teachers and school leaders through phenomenologically oriented vignettes
סדנה מקוונת בזום (תתקיים באנגלית)
מנחה: ד”ר וסיליס סימונידיס Vasileios Symeonidis,מאוניברסיטת גרץ באוסטריה חוקר תחומים של מדיניות ו בִּנְאוּם
8.2.22, 15.2.22, 22.2.22 בשעות 12.30-11.00
Course Description
The increasing focus on the professionalisation of teachers and school leaders requires methodological tools that are suitable for exploring their professional learning experiences. This interactive course introduces the phenomenologically oriented vignette as a research and professionalisation tool for the training of teachers and school leaders at teacher education institutions, as well as for school development and quality management. Vignettes are aesthetically condensed and situational written narrations which capture the experience of learning at close range. Participants will be trained to write and read vignettes, reflecting on their application in different learning contexts.
Learning Outcomes
– Understand how to conceptualise learning from a phenomenological perspective
– Become acquainted with theories of professionalisation for teachers and school leaders
Develop the ability to write and read a phenomenologically oriented vignette and use it as a research and professionalisation tool
Use vignettes for the purposes of professionalisation, school development and quality management
Develop a reflective attitude on one’s own learning experiences
Engage with differentiated insights on learning and be open for learning experiences in heterogeneous groups
Schedule of Activities
Modules Dates
Introduction to phenomenological learning research: What is there for teachers and school leaders?
Writing and reading a phenomenologically oriented vignette
Vignette as a professionalisation tool for teacher education, school development and quality management
עלות: 300 ש”ח
למידע נוסף ולהרשמה:
* (סדנאות מופת חורף 2022)