British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme
We anticipate inviting applications for the 2023 Scheme (subject to confirmation from the British Academy) from candidates already in receipt of a PhD.
Outline proposals are requested, along with a short summary CV, to be sent to by 9.00 AM BST on 1 August 2023. Late submissions will not be considered.
Your proposal should include:
- an outline of your proposed research, including methodology and timetable
- planned outputs
- dissemination plans
- a note on fit with research activities within the School and confirmation of your proposed mentor
It is recommended that you contact potential mentors in advance of applying. The proposal should be no more than two pages of A4, using a font of no less than point 11 and 2 cm margins. Your CV (1-2 pages maximum) should include your publications to date along with your academic history, including the date your PhD was awarded.
You should make contact with your proposed mentor before you submit your outline and it would be beneficial if they commented on your proposal before submission. If you do not have a mentor in mind, please have a look at our staff research profiles on the Edinburgh Research Explorer and our staff webpages (scroll to bottom of page). You’ll then be able to find staff working in your area of research and make contact with them.
Our timetable for submission in 2023 is: