Holy Networks: Locating, Shaping, and Experiencing Palestinian Loca Sancta (1187-1852)
The SNSF Advanced Grant Project
Holy Networks: Locating, Shaping, and Experiencing Palestinian Loca Sancta (1187-1852),
Holy Networks: Locating, Shaping, and Experiencing Palestinian Loca Sancta (1187-1852),
coordinated by Prof. Michele Bacci (Chair of Medieval Art, University of Fribourg, Switzerland), offers a five-year part time (40-50%) Postdoctoral or Senior researcher position with focus on the network of Jewish holy sites in the Holy Land, as reflected in Medievaland Early Modern Jewish sources.
The SNSF Advanced Grant Project
Holy Networks: Locating, Shaping, and Experiencing Palestinian Loca Sancta (1187-1852),
coordinated by Prof. Michele Bacci (Chair of Medieval ArtHistory, University of Fribourg, Switzerland), offers a four-year doctoral position with a focus onthe multireligious holy sites in the Jerusalem. The specific topic which the doctoral student will dealwith is “The Cenacle Complex on Jerusalem’s Mount Zion as a Multireligious Locus Sanctus”.She/he will be fully responsible for the designated subproject and maintain constant dialogue withthe team members and the project’s PI.
The SNSF Advanced Grant Project
Holy Networks: Locating, Shaping, and Experiencing Palestinian Loca Sancta (1187-1852),
coordinated by Prof. Michele Bacci (Chair of Medieval ArtHistory, University of Fribourg, Switzerland), offers a four-year doctoral position with a focus onthe multireligious holy sites in the Jerusalem. The specific topic which the doctoral student will dealwith is “Cross-Religious Evocations of the Holy at the Tomb of Prophet Samuel in NabiSamwil”. She/he will be fully responsible for the designated subproject and maintain constantdialogue with the team members and the project’s PI