"Poetic Currency": New Issue of Dibur Literary Journal
Dibur Literary Journal
“Poetic Currency”: New Issue of Dibur Literary Journal
We are excited to announce the publication of “Poetic Currency”, the fifth issue of Dibur Literary Journal. The issue explores the complex relations between literature, capital and labor from a variety of perspectives, in a comparative and multilingual context.
You can read the new issue online:
Dibur Literary Journal is an open-access, peer-reviewed academic journal based at Stanford University, devoted to the study of Hebrew, Jewish and Comparative Literature. It is part of Stanford’s Division of Literatures, Cultures and Languages’ Arcade project.
Below please find the TOC.
This issue is co-edited by Adriana X. Jacobs (University of Oxford) and Anat Weisman (Ben-Gurion University of Negev).
Editor-in-chief: Vered K. Shemtov (Stanford University).
Executive Editor: Chen Bar-Itzhak (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)
Best wishes,
Dibur editors
Money on my Mind: Stein’s Meditations | Kristin Grogan
The Poet as Entrepreneur: The Case of David Avidan | Anat Weisman
A Legacy of Defeat: Ya’acov Bitton against Poetic Currency | Shira Stav
Made in the Pauper’s Image: Theology and Economy in Modern Jewish Literature | Roy Greenwald
Zelda’s Poetics of Poverty | Tafat Hacohen-Bick and Yoav Ronel
Perennial Penelope and the Lingering Lotus Eaters: Mythological Figures in the Poetry of the Greek Financial Crisis | Eleni Philippou
Money, So Much Money: Reading Tahel Frosh’s Avarice | Adriana X. Jacobs
Poetic Currency: A Poetry Dossier | Edited by Adriana X. Jacobs