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הזדמנות // מלגת מחקר: המרכז ללימודי השואה במכון להיסטוריה בת זמננו [מינכן] דדליין=22.9.18

Message URL: https://www.hum-il.com/message/8080936/

2019 Fellowships at the Center for Holocaust Studies at the Institute for Contemporary History

The Center for Holocaust Studies at the Institute for Contemporary History will be offering grants for research stays at the Center in Munich during 2019.

The fellowships are designed to support and foster international Holocaust research. The program is aimed at established as well as younger researchers. As we are interested in a high degree of international cooperation, applications from Germany, Europe as well as from all over the world are welcome. A topic within the field of Holocaust Studies is required in order to be eligible for one of the fellowships.

Applicants should explain their interest in a stay at the Center and make clear, which holdings of the Archives of the Institute for Contemporary History and potentially other German archives are relevant to them. The fellows are expected to partake actively in the events and research discussions of the Center as well as present their own topic there.

The stipend level depends on the prior academic degrees of the recipients. Fellowships are awarded in the following two categories:

  • Junior Fellowships (2500 Euro per month): for PhD-Candidates (in exceptional cases, for Master Candidates). These fellowships last up to four months each.
  • Senior Fellowships (3500 Euro per month): for researchers with a PhD, Post-Docs and those writing a Habilitation. These fellowships last up to four months each.

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Message publisher
מערכת רשת מדעי הרוח והחברה. לעשיית מנוי לרשת, לחצו כאן - https://goo.gl/wqRmyg
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Zentrum für Holocaust-Studien munchen
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