Historical Perspectives on Rural Economies, Societies, Landscapes and Environment
British Agricultural History Society
Call for papers for the Society’s Spring Conference at the University of Nottingham, 8 to 10 April 2019
We are interested in receiving proposals for panels or papers on any aspect of the history of agriculture and of the wider rural economy, society, landscape and environment, particularly in relation to the history of Britain and Ireland, but including comparative European or global contexts. We are keen to encourage papers from doctoral or post-doctoral researchers, for whom travel bursaries may be available (please indicate whether you will be applying for a bursary with your proposal).
Panel Proposals:
Panel proposals should normally consist of three papers on a related theme. Each panel will last two hours including questions, so individual papers should be of 35-40 minutes duration. Proposals should consist of:
- A title for the panel and each of the papers (20 words maximum each).
- Explanation of the overall theme for the panel (100 words maximum).