Minerva Fellowship
Minerva Fellowships are granted to doctoral and post-doctoral researchers. The minimum funding period amounts to six months in both cases. Doctoral scholarships are initially granted for a maximum of twenty-four months. Exceptionally and under special circumstances, there is the possibility of extending them up to 12 months. Post-doctoral fellowships are also granted for a maximum of twenty-four months. Extensions of post-doctoral scholarships are, however, principally not possible.
15 January (Earliest possible start of fellowship in case of an approval: 1 June of the same year, latest possible start: 31 October of the same year)
15 June (Earliest possible start of fellowship in case of an approval: 1 December of the same year, latest possible start: 30 April of the next year)
The final decisions will be taken in April (regarding the January deadline) resp. in October (regarding the June deadline).