Philosophy and Psychiatry
Since 2001 the University of Vienna and the Institute Vienna Circle holds an annual two-week summer program dedicated to major current issues in the natural and the social sciences, their history and philosophy. The title of the program reflects the heritage of the Vienna Circle which promoted interdisciplinary and philosophical investigations based on solid disciplinary knowledge.
As an international interdisciplinary program, USS-SWC brings graduate students in close contact with world-renowned scholars. It operates under the academic supervision of an International Program Committee of distinguished philosophers, historians, and scientists. The program is directed primarily to graduate students and junior researchers in fields related to the annual topic, but the organizers also encourage applications from gifted undergraduates and from people in all stages of their career who wish to broaden their horizon through cross-disciplinary studies of methodological and foundational issues in science. (General Information)
The schedule consists of morning sessions, chaired by distinguished lecturers which focus on readings assigned to students in advance. Afternoon sessions are made up of smaller groups which offer senior students the opportunity to discuss their own research papers with one of the main lecturers.
International Program Committee
John Beatty (Vancouver)
Maria Carla Galavotti (Bologna)
Malachi Hacohen (Durham/Raleigh)
Michael Heidelberger (Tübingen)
Martin Kusch (Vienna)
Paolo Mancosu (Berkeley)
Elisabeth Nemeth (Vienna)
Miklós Rédei (London)
Friedrich Stadler (Vienna)
Michael Stöltzner (Columbia)
Roger H. Stuewer (Minneapolis)
Thomas Uebel (Manchester)
Robert Kaller (Secretary of the USS-SWC, Vienna)