UCIS Postdoctoral Fellowships in Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies for 2019-202
The University of Pittsburgh is offering two postdoctoral fellowships—one in the arts and humanities; and one in the social sciences and/or professional disciplines—to begin in September 2019 for scholars whose work focuses on Russia, Eastern Europe, and the former Soviet regions of Eurasia. These fellowships are designed to offer junior scholars the time, space, and financial support necessary to produce significant scholarship early in their careers while simultaneously building their teaching records.
The UCIS Postdoctoral Fellowships in Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies are for two years, renewable for an additional (third) year. Fellows will be expected to pursue their own scholarly work and participate in the academic and intellectual activities of UCIS and REEES, as well as the department or professional school with which they are affiliated.