The Leibniz Institute of European History (IEG) awards research fellowships to young academics (doctoral and postdoctoral researchers) from Germany and abroad.
Funding is provided for both doctoral and postdoctoral research dealing with the religious, political, social and cultural history of Europe from the early modern period to 1989/90. Comparative, transnational and transfer-historical research projects are particularly welcome, as are projects which deal with topics of intellectual, church or theological history.
If they wish, scholarship holders and fellows can collaborate with the academic staff of the IEG in the Institute’s research areas. Each scholarship holder is assigned a contact person from among the academic staff of the IEG who can offer them advice and mentoring.
Research projects must be at least six months in duration in order to avail of IEG funding. Fellowship holders and fellows reside and work in the Institute building in Mainz. The specialist library of the Institute and the other infrastructure that Mainz has to offer as an academic centre are available to the fellowship holders and fellows to conduct their research. The duty to reside at the Institute does not preclude short trips to archives, libraries, specialist researchers and conferences elsewhere. The working languages at the IEG are German and English and therefor we expect proficiency in English and a sufficient command of German to participate in discussions at the Institute.