Ninth European Workshop on Applied Cultural Economics
The European Workshop on Applied Cultural Economics (EWACE) was founded in 1990. It is intended to provide a forum for the development and dissemination of applications of quantitative methods in cultural economics, including applications of mathematical economics, experimental economics and other quantitative approaches (e.g. applied micro and macroeconometric approaches). Authors are welcome to submit papers on applied cultural economics. The following list illustrates,but does not exhaust,possible topics:economic history of art and culture, industrial organization of cultural products and services (e.g. pricing, trade); labour market issues of artists (e.g. wages, migration cultural participation); spillovers and externalities of firms in the cultural sector (agglomeration); pricing of art items; studies on creativity. Participation of interested researchers and policy makers from all countries is welcome.
Each paper will be allocated 25-30 minutes, made up of a presentation by the authors, followed by a comment from a nominated discussant and a general discussion. Papers will be circulated in advance and taken as read.
The European Workshop on Applied Cultural Economics (EWACE) was founded in 1990. It is intended to provide a forum for the development and dissemination of applications of quantitative methods in cultural economics, including applications of mathematical economics, experimental economics and other quantitative approaches (e.g. applied micro and macroeconometric approaches). Authors are welcome to submit papers on applied cultural economics. The following list illustrates,but does not exhaust,possible topics:economic history of art and culture, industrial organization of cultural products and services (e.g. pricing, trade); labour market issues of artists (e.g. wages, migration cultural participation); spillovers and externalities of firms in the cultural sector (agglomeration); pricing of art items; studies on creativity. Participation of interested researchers and policy makers from all countries is welcome.
Each paper will be allocated 25-30 minutes, made up of a presentation by the authors, followed by a comment from a nominated discussant and a general discussion. Papers will be circulated in advance and taken as read.