Call for Submissions—Issue 10 ‘Disorder’
The Journal of History and Cultures (JHAC) is inviting the submission of articles or book reviews for Issue 10. JHAC is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to pioneering new research in history and cultures.Drawing on the latest historical, cultural, political, social, and theoretical analytical research, JHAC’soverarching purpose is to foster lively and productive academic debate.
We welcome articles on a broad range in both geographic and chronological terms, including local, regional, national and/or global foci from medieval right through to contemporary periods. Issue 10 of the Journal of History and Cultures will have a central organising theme of ‘Disorder’. This can be interpreted in many different ways and is temporally relevant when we consider what the concept of‘disorder’ means presently, and what it meant in the past. Thus, the editors invite submissions on any aspect of ‘disorder’ across history and cultures including, but not limited to, the following themes:
o Crime and Punishment
o Scandals and Social Breakdowno Disguises and Costumes
o Sanctioned Disorder
o BreakdownofRelationships
Articles should be between 5,000 and 7,000 words long (not including bibliography and footnotes). Book reviews should be between 750 and 1,000 words.