Irene Ledesma Prize for graduate research in North American West histories of women and gender
The Irene Ledesma Prize is awarded to a Ph.D. graduate student and is intended to support research in western women’s and gender history. The Prize is named in honor of Dr. Ledesma’s important contributions to the fields of Chicana and working-class history until her untimely death in 1997. That same year Ledesma received the annual CWWH Jensen-Miller Prize for her article “Texas Newspapers and Chicana Women’s Activism: 1919-1974” in the Western Historical Quarterly (26:3). See a list of previous award recipients here: Irene Ledesma Prize Recipients, 1990-Present.
Deadline for the 2019 Prize Submission: June 15, 2019
Prize Call
The $1,000 Prize supports travel to collections or other research expenses related to the histories of women and gender in the North American West. Applicants must be enrolled in a Ph.D. program at the time of application. The Coalition will award the Prize at the CWWH Breakfast during the Western History Association Annual Conference 2019 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The recipient will also be awarded a one-year complimentary membership in the CWWH.