הקהל מוזמן להרצאתו של מר’ מרטין יוסט מאונ’ לייפציג (באנגלית): פרספקטיבה חדשה על ועידת אוויאן: ציפיות יהודיות ופוליטיקה יהודית בין שתי המלחמות
ההרצאה תתקיים ביום רביעי 27.11.2019 בשעה 14:30 במכון ליהדות זמננו באוניברסיטה העברית בהר הצופים בחדר 400
תקציר ההרצאה:
From today’s view, the Évian Conference of July 1938 is commonly seen as a total failure. Immediately after the Conference, however, Jewish emissaries like Salomon Adler-Rudel and Nahum Goldmann were satisfied by its results and interpreted the establishment of the Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees as a positive signal for an emigration project for Jews from Nazi-Germany. These positive assessments are in sharp contrast to our rather negative view on Évian as a failed attempt to rescue Jews from the Holocaust. The presentation will address this contradiction in judgment by analyzing the different memoranda submitted to the Conference by various Jewish organizations. On the one hand, these memoranda provide insights into the expectations of Jewish emissaries before the Conference, on the other hand, they reflect the historical background of migration and refugee policy in the interwar period which is quite important to understand why the Intergovernmental Committee was seen as a progress.